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I'm a yodeling German girl living in LA, who also sings, writes and loves animals. I was born in Munich and grew up in a small village in Bavaria, Germany. At 13, I discovered my passion for music and also became the only vegetarian I knew at the time. After finishing high school, I attended a vocational school for music in Regensburg, where I met some of my first real-life role models who inspired me to continue my studies in the United States. I studied vocal performance at the LA College of Music in Pasadena and graduated with an Associate of Arts degree in 2014. During my time there, I discovered my talent for yodeling, which I attribute to my Bavarian roots. In order to give my career more stability, I began teaching piano and vocal lessons. My cover of "He Taught Me How To Yodel" became popular on YouTube, leading to invitations to appear on German TV shows such as "taff" (Pro7), "Punkt 12" (RTL), and "Hallo Deutschland" (ZDF). I was soon known as the "Bavarian Yodeler in Hollywood" and met many other German musicians in LA, which eventually led to my involvement in the local Oktoberfest scene. I have played at numerous Oktoberfest events, yodeled on national television, and even founded my own all-women Polkaband called "Ladyhosen." In the fall of 2021, I published my debut novel, "The One I Love Most," which is loosely based on my own life experiences. I translated the book into German in 2022. Since moving to Los Angeles, I have adopted a vegan lifestyle and welcomed my pets Baloo, Billie, and Barley into my life. Currently, I enjoy teaching piano and voice lessons, writing songs, and yodeling around town. Be sure to I'm a yodeling German girl living in LA, who also sings, writes and loves animals. Follow me on Instagram to get a glimpse of my day-to-day life and get more frequent updates.

Sängerin, Songwriter, Jodlerin, Pflanzenesser, Neuzeit-Hippy, Bloggerin, Musiklehrerin, Tierfreundin, Wanderin und Selbstverbesserer.
Willkommen auf meiner Homepage!
Das Ziel dieser Seite ist es so authentisch wie möglich zu sein. Deswegen werde ich ab sofort nicht mehr in der dritten Person über mich selbst schreiben.Ich möchte hier nicht nur meine Musik, sondern auch meine persönlichen Erfahrungen mit euch teilen, und kann dabei hoffentlich den einen oder die andere inspirieren.